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Tips for Vocal Health

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Every day we use our voice to express a multitude of emotions. We can use our voice to seduce, soothe, calm, uplift, motivate, yell, scream, demand, give direction, request, laugh, cry and of course SING!

The voice is strongly connected to our power and how we broadcast ourselves to the world. If you have a pattern of throat issues (like I did), you will benefit from looking at all aspects, not just the physical.

In my 20+ years of being a Past Age Clearing and Healing practitioner and facilitating singing groups and private sessions, I have seen the most profound transformations in people including my own.. When they let go of the mind, which holds fearful beliefs, and drop into their heart-space, they access the most beautiful essence within themselves that resonates through their voice.  Extraordinary things happen when people learn to surrender to a deep primal trust.  This releases the voice, which has a positive ripple effect in every area of our lives.

Using simple techniques and a unique approach to release old patterns builds self-esteem, self-worth and self-confidence.

We are here to joyfully support your voice journey.

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This Post Has 2 Comments

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    Miranda Short

    Even though I’ve been singing with you for many years Julia & Maddy, and we do these warm up practices before every class it’s always good to be reminded of how important these practices are for every day voice health. Not just for singing.

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      I agree. It is so easy to forget simple things and it is easy to function from a default setting that isn’t always for our highest good. Which Tip did you find the most useful at this point in your Journey?

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