Unlock and Thrive Program


Experience one-on-one coaching with Julia Williamson at the Sing to Thrive Healing Hub for $2500! This package includes 3 months of full access to transformative resources and community support.

What You’ll Receive:

Flexible Payment Options

Choose our convenient payment plan of $1000 per month for three months, making this life-changing experience accessible.

Don’t miss this chance to reclaim your voice, step more fully into your power and enhance your well-being. Join Julia today and take the first step towards a happier, healthier you!

"It was really deep, but essential for me to go there so I could heal and move on from childhood trauma. And the singing is just pure joy and so uplifting. I value Julia's work and recommend it to those wanting to feel freedom."
Natalie Dugan
Entrepreneur Business Owner
"I am very lucky to have had the opportunity to have a personal 1:1 healing session with Julia in which my entire life transformed. It was absolutely amazing. It gave me a sense of peace and calm and impacted how I was feeling about everything in the world."
Shelley Davidow
Author, Academic and HeartMath Mentor
"WOW! I still cannot find the words (very unusual for me 😊) to describe and thank you for yesterday. It was an experience unlike any I have ever had. I am very grateful to you for your years of training, learning and experience to provide me with the healing and guidance that I crave."
Sue Croser
Horse Trainer & Retired Aviation Pilot


Welcome to a space where the unseen becomes clear and your personal path becomes inspired. Julia specialises in uncovering hidden emotional triggers, core belief systems and sabotage patterns, empowering you to harness your voice and your authenticity for deep personal healing and growth.

Central to her mentoring is the understanding that we are the creators of our reality and that our belief systems affect our vibration and shape our lives, and healing the voice is an integral part of the transformational process.

For singers and non-singers alike, from CEO’s, artists, coaches, entrepreneurs, empaths, healers and parents, this powerful way of healing helps you heal and reclaim those aspects of yourself you have rejected, forgotten or just ignored!  



We all operate from subconscious patterning, old behaviours and negative beliefs passed on to us by family, peers, the media, society, cultures and religions, and also situations that we may not comprehend at the time, and through fear, we hold onto them. 

It is easy to compromise and lose yourself by not having a voice and believing you don’t have the power to change things which affects your physical, mental and emotional health and what you manifest in the world. 

We have the power to transform these beliefs and therefore our world.


You will experience a personalised blend of healing and empowerment designed to unlock your authentic voice and align with your true purpose. Each session is tailored to address your unique needs. Together, we will explore the power of your voice as a tool for personal transformation, helping you overcome limiting beliefs and embrace your full potential.

Whether you’re seeking to heal past traumas, enhance your vocal skills, or gain clarity on your life’s direction, I am here to guide and support you every step of the way.

Past Age Clearing and Healing (PACH), channelled in 1995 by Earth Whisperer Maggie Landman, offers a profound method for addressing the enduring impact of past traumas on our present and future. By recognising that trauma remains lodged within the body, affecting our well-being and shaping our belief systems, directly affecting our future, PACH provides a transformative pathway to release blocked energy from the past, balance energy in the present, and clear fears and anxieties projected into the future.

By accessing cellular memories spanning generations, PACH operates by finding the dimension where this energy was initially trapped (root cause), facilitating its release and thereby enabling individuals to transcend the grip of past traumas. This process releases negative belief systems attached to that event, offering a pathway to profound healing and liberation from the constraints of repetitive behaviours and adverse life patterns.

The PACH method offers a beacon of hope, a promise of relief and liberation from the burdens of the past. 

Throughout life we accept negative beliefs, and through fear we hold onto them. This creates emotional and behavioural patterns, which eventually become energy blocks, often experienced at a

Physical Level – as pain or disease
Mental Level – as a belief, such as “Life is a Struggle”
Emotional Level – as an overpowering feeling such as “fear, anger or sadness”
Spiritual Level – a sense of being lost or not belonging and disconnected from “who you are”.

This simple and powerful tool can be used to clear and release energy blocks, often manifesting as;

  • Feelings of not being good enough
  • Beliefs that we are unlovable
  • Fears and anxieties
  • Physical pain
  • Addictions
  • Trauma and abuse
  • Feelings of being “stuck”
  • Lack of connection to Spirit
  • Communication and relationship problems
  • Learning and memory problems

Clearing energy blocks  “moves”  you through stuck states, facilitates personal growth and awareness, and allows you to achieve true peace and joy and ultimately express your highest potential

The science behind singing and sound is recognised for its profound impact on healing, providing tangible benefits backed by research. You receive personalised programs to work with to consolidate transformation. Here are just some of the benefits:

Neurotransmitter Stimulation: Singing automatically triggers the production of neuro-chemicals that speed up and consolidate brain map changes.
Vagus Nerve Therapy: Singing massages the vagus nerve, activating the parasympathetic nervous system to induce calm and shut down fight-or-flight.
Improved Oxygenation: Deep breathing during singing increases oxygen flow to the brain, boosting cognitive function, alertness, and energy levels.
Cognitive Enhancement: Singing enhances learning, language, focus, and memory, and regulates sleep-wake cycles and the autonomic nervous system.
Mood Elevation: Singing triggers the release of endorphins, oxytocin, dopamine, and serotonin, elevating mood and reducing stress and anxiety.
Suppresses Fear: Singing suppresses amygdala activity, reducing fear and promoting motivation and inspiration towards personal growth.
Cellular Wellness: Singing positive words, boosts cellular voltage and signalling pathways, promoting wellness chemicals in the body.
Mind-Body Connection: Our thoughts influence biology and DNA expression, rewiring the brain for positive change and impacting health on a cellular level.
Impact of Thoughts on Water: Human thoughts affect water molecules, influencing health due to our body’s high water content.
Harmonise Brain Waves: Positive lyrics and uplifting music reduce stress, induce relaxation, and facilitate healing by harmonizing brainwave patterns.
Collective Consciousness: Singing fosters heart-brain coherence, aligning emotions and thoughts to positively influence the global information field and create a more coherent environment.

“This work is powerful, deeply healing and transformative. I hold a high-level space to either move you through times of upheaval and challenge, or raise you to your next level.”


Welcome, thank you for being here!

I blend extensive experience in healing and singing to empower you on your unique journey of self-discovery. With 20+ Years of Healing Experience: Harnessing the transformative power of voice to foster healing and  35+ Years as a Professional Singer, navigating vocal challenges and trauma, revealing the profound connection between voice, health, wealth, success, and happiness.

  • 1988: Began my journey with professionally singing Cabaret, Rock bands and 5-Star Venues.
  • 2003: Qualified as a Past Age Clearing and Healing Practitioner, specializing in healing limiting beliefs and guiding individuals to vocal empowerment.

  • 2006: Founded VoiceJam, a nurturing singing and healing school dedicated to helping individuals overcome vocal-blocking beliefs.

  • 2007: Began my songwriting journey to create conscious, uplifting messages in music.

  • 2008: Birthed the Sing to Thrive Method, which has evolved into a powerful healing modality used by thousands today.

  • 2009: Began my journey with Kirtan, an Indian musical tradition, which profoundly transformed my singing approach and expanded my understanding of the power of voice.

  • 2012: Connected with Bruce Lipton at the Uplift Festival while presenting a singing workshop, leading to research on neuroplasticity and epigenetics in music, singing, and sound as healing tools.

  • 2017: Recorded over 100 audio tracks for the High Vibe Music and Professional Series, supporting singing leaders worldwide.

  • 2020: Channelled 5 Transformation Journeys addressing the top five core issues faced by humanity.

  • 2021: Developed the Colour & Sound Series, a healing program utilising chromotherapy, sound frequencies, and vocal toning to address physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
  • 2023: Began the Open Eye Singing Meditation series to assist people with anxiety and poor mental health.
  • 2024: Launched the Sing to Thrive Healing Hub, a global community empowering individuals to use their voices for personal transformation and global harmony.

Personal JourneyThrough the healing of my voice and alignment with my true purpose, I am living my passion as a healer and mentor. I am dedicated to guiding others on their journey of self-discovery and empowerment. I am passionate about helping you unlock your potential and harness the transformative power of your voice, enabling you to achieve your personal and professional goals. Together, we will navigate the path to authentic expression and lasting success.

“Together, we will shift your focus from past narratives to a radiant future, illuminating a path filled with inspiration. This journey marks a powerful transition from being the victim of your reality to the conscious co-creator or your best life.”

Meet Julia

Hello Beautiful Soul. My personal journey with the PACH process and singing, alongside pivotal healing elements like nutrition, movement, and bodywork, has been deeply transformative. If you find yourself struggling to speak your truth, constantly prioritising others over yourself, and lacking joy in your life, this approach holds potent possibilities. For those yearning to sing but battling their inner critic, understand that this struggle impedes the creation of effortless joy, a resilient immune system, and a healthy mindset.

Having navigated personal turmoil, including the impact of abuse, I developed a simple yet profound healing approach that has transformed my life and the lives of countless happy clients.

As the driving force behind Sing to Thrive, my mission is to guide individuals through personal challenges, focusing on positive and enduring transformations. My unique methodology aims to unlock the full potential of the human voice, fostering holistic well-being across emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual realms.

If you’re ready to joyfully build skills, become the dominant creative force in your life, find your powerful voice, and transform your world, I invite you to explore the possibilities with Sing to Thrive. To learn more about my personal journey and the transformative power of this approach, click here.

Holistic vocal coach Julia Williamson Healer Singer Songwriter Performer

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